WordPress Guide

Here is a quick guide to using WordPress.

How to use WordPress

We use WordPress to build websites so we have put together a few helpful instructions on how to do certain thing on a WordPress website.

How to login to WordPress Website

  • Head over to your website. 
  • Add /wp-admin to the end of the URL.
  • Log into your account with your information. 
  • Then you will be at the back of your website.

How to add an image to your WordPress website 

Admin interface:

  • Log into your WordPress website and click on the media button and click on add new.
  • Upload your desired picture and click upload.


  • Log into your WordPress website and click on either button posts/pages.
  • From here click on which page or post you want to add an image you would like to add to. 
  • Here there will be a button called “add media” 
  • From here choose your desired picture and click upload.

How to create/edit a Blog 

How to create a post: 

  • Log into your WordPress website and click on the posts button. 
  • Here you can create a new post by clicking the posts button then clicking “add new.”
  • Now you can start creating your blog post for your website.

How to edit a blog post 

  • Log into your WordPress website and click on the posts button.
  • Once you have entered the posts section you can see all of your blogs that have been saved as a draft or published. 
  • To edit a post hover over the post and click on “edit.”
  • Now you can edit all of the content included within your blog.

How to add invite someone to your WordPress website

  • Once you have logged into the back of your WordPress website click on the button “users.”
  • Here you need to press the button labelled + Invite.
  • Enter their WordPress userrname or email and selected their roll to add them to the WordPress website. 
  • Once you are happy with your invitation click on “send invitation.”
How can a user change their password? 
  • Firstly you want to log into your WordPress website and select the user button. 
  • From here click on “your profile” and head over to the account management section.
  • Then press “generate password” now you will be given a new password for your WordPress website. 
  • Once you are happy with your password click on “update profile” to save your password. 
Nathan Rowe